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Targeting Bacteria Proteins to Treat Illness*

*Be aware that this is not the exact title of these presentation - This is only a guess to what the title could have been, based on what was said in the presentation

By: Dr. Booth

Because NAD is a keep player in the pathway that is responsible for protein production in bacteria, it is being targeted for medical research. It is important because like us, bacteria need proteins to carry our many functions. One of the most important functions of these proteins are as enzymes which can help speed up chemical reactions in the body. He focused his research of NAD inhibition to assist a colleague who contracted a flesh eating strand of a well known bacteria. With the help of Dr. Booth's research and more research like it, this colleague was able to be treated for this flesh eating virus.

Cannabinoid receptor, THC & Medical Marijuana


*Be aware that this is not the exact title of these presentation - This is only a guess to what the title could have been, based on what was said in the presentation

Dr. Howlet discussed the manufacturing and mass production of medical marijuana. To keep the public safe from harmful pesticides, and herbicides that can cause cancer, the growth of medical marijuana must be regulated. Cannabinoid receptors are located all around the body, and play a large role in sensation, mood, memory, and appetite. THC is found in marijuana and when it enters the body, it quickly binds to the cannabinoid receptors located in the brain. They also have the ability to affect the entire body, having these effects: decreased reaction time, short-term memory loss, anxiety, and euphoric "high" feeling.


Detection of Mycoplasma Contamination in a Novel Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Line

Ziaqueria Short, Alexis Alday & Jordan Davis

Faculty: Dr. Stephanie Dance-Barnes            TECH: Brittany Justice

Triple negative is an extremely aggressive form of breast cancer. To aid in the search for better treatment it is important to study as many forms of this cancer as possible. Cells were cultured that were both P53 and BRCA1 deficient. To effectively access the cells, they needed to be clear of all bacterial contaminates. To be sure of this mycoplasma (a prokaryotic organism that has the ability to change the physiology of cells, therefore causing them to not be usable.) The main goal of the experiment was to determine if the cells were in fact contaminated with mycoplasma, using DNA staining.

Determining the effects of depressant drugs via heart rate of age varied daphnia

S. Bowers, J. Hampton, C. Wade & Dr. Stephanie Dance-Barnes

Daphnia are water fleas, which are great for studying heart rate due to the transparency of their bodies. The objective of this experiment was to observe the effects of depressant drugs on the heart rates of differently aged Daphnia. All ages were treated with Xanax, while their heart rates were measured in 15 second intervals. They concluded, based o experimentation that younger daphnia had increased heart rate when treated with Xanax while older daphnia had increased heart rates. However with increased doses of Xanax, both age groups showed decrease in heart rate.

Comparative Staining Properties of Black Walnut Fruit Pulp Extract, Hematoxylin and Eosin, and Mason's Trichrome on Rabbit Tissues

By: Justin Campbell & FACULTY: Dr. Singh

The presenter wanted to see if Black Walnut fruit extract could used a natural dye in the laboratory because of it's amazing ability to effortlessly stain human skin. Because he uses animal tissues, it was in his interest to try this because chemicals in other unnatural dyes can alter the cells and may cause damage to the tissues. It was found that the Black Walnut Fruit pulp extract was great as staining, but was unable to stain every tissue layer but it was just as good as a regular chemical dye without the harshness. 

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