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Oral Presentation Skills

Scholarship Day

For the scholarship day symposium, I presented a demonstration of the MatLab Optimal Foraging Model. I showed the audience how to use the model, explained what each parameter meant, and showed them what would happen if we changed these parameters in the model. This was to illustrate the point that there are many things food and energy related that contribute to the survival of an organism; large or small.


Poster session

I also had the pleausre of presenting data for Dr. Viscidos' animal behavior, "How Animals Do It" liberal learning seminar. This research tracks the progress of freshman non-major students in building critical thinking, critical reading and oral communication skills. ​It was also used to spark student's interest in the Animal Behavior field. 


Carcinogen Presentation

For this presentation, the class was split into groups of two and assigned a scientific paper to read thoroughly and explain to the rest of the class. This was to be done in a professional power point presentation. I'd like to give credit to my wonderful partner Stephanie Street! 

Strain-Specific Induction of Murine Lung Tumors Following In Utero Exposure to 3-Methylcholanthrene
by: Jamie E. Jennings-Gee and et.Al.


Final Project

The assignment was to revisit the presentation of a presenter earlier in the course and expand on their ideas. I chose to present, "Cannabinoid receptor, THC & Medical Marijuana" by Dr. Howlett.

Small Recap of Dr. Howlet’s Presentation

  • Acts to guarantee the quality and control of drugs marketed to the public. â€‹â€‹


  • The growth of medical marijuana must be regulated to keep harmful substances like herbicides and pesticides from causing the user any further harm.


  • Receptors in the body that is targeted by the marijuana’s THC.


Please not that all Animal Characterization power point include ancestral taxon, shared derivated characteristics, etc. and give credit to sources. Thanks for viewing.

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